Air War 3

In 1940 the Germans had advanced their airbases to the coast of France and over the summer regular raiding moved from the Channel until it reached London.  All that summer the Battle of Britain was fought.  The Memorial Day is 15 September so what better way to mark the event than a refight of a battle from 15 September 1940 fought on 15 September 2023.  On that day a Big Wing engaged a German raid.

100 hundred fighters engaged 25 bombers and shot them all down.  Well, that was the claim. Actually, they got 6.


The initial situation.  Three Dorniers have finished their bombing run; astern of them are the close escort of two Me-109s already heading home and ahead are their top cover also heading home.  In the distance up-sun are six Hurricanes and two Spitfires.


While the Dorniers turn the close escort move to engage and the top cover race to intervene.



The Dorniers sort themselves out for the flight back to France, the close cover continues the fight with the rear British fighters and the top cover takes position while the lead British fighters start with deflection shots on the bombers.



The dogfight commences but one of the Dorniers is already hit and brought down.


The German top cover manoeuvres badly and one of them is shot down, the close cover heads for France while the Dorniers still have some fighter cover from their top cover.  The British pick their targets and hit a loitering fighter.


A second Dornier gets hit with the formation breaking up and fleeing for France.


The second Dornier is finished but the bombers are fighting back and scoring hits on the fighters and some of the fighters are running out of ammunition.


The attack goes on and one of the close escorts is shot down.  The third and final Dornier struggles on but gets hit; there superb flying is worthy of ACE status.


The top cover continues in the fight.  Douglas Bader dodges repeated shots with incredible flying, both legs taking bullets but he succumbs to cross fire from the bomber and the covering fighter.


Final exchange of fire brings down the third Dornier but damages the last British fighter.


The outcome was three Dorniers and two Me-109s being lost against one Hurricane shot down and three damaged, four British fighters embarrassingly running out of ammunition … but will fight again.  


The Me-109s had to head for home and fuel shortage was a real issue.   The Big Wing could be very effective but assembling it meant that the bombers had already released their bombs and could be on their way home before being intercepted.



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